Moscow Bell Centre has been acting since 1995 by His Holiness, Holy Patriarchy of Moscow and all Russia Aleksey’s II blessing, with the aim of preparing highly qualified bell ringers for Russian Orthodox Church. All wishing to study, primarily those recommended by temples and monasteries, are accepted. The period of studies is 3 months. The program consists of theoretical courses, as well as practical studies of church toll. An official certificate is given after finishing studies.
Scientific researches’ plan
Peculiarities of orthodox ring’s acoustics.
Dependence of bells' and beaters' melodiousness (material's seasoning and strain, overtones' phase shift, weather conditions and so on).
Spectral (overtone) analysis of ancient Russian and new bells from different producers.
Under-belltower buildings' acoustics (including resonance phenomena, hip cupolas with echoes and so on).
Materials and alloys, alternative to bell bronze.
New forms and methods to increase bells’ and beaters’ quality.
New technologies for production of cheap and qualitative bells.
New technologies for restoration (repair) of broken bells.
Peculiarities of bronze bells’ defectoscopy.
Innovations (achievements) in bell business field.
Peculiarities of traditional orthodox ring’s musical organization.
Questions of composition in orthodox ring.
The origin of rhythmical orthodox ring’s basis.
Orthodox ring’s role in the musical culture of Russia at the end of the XIX - at the beginning of the XX century.
Traditional (local) rings’ peculiarities.
The history of the unique church ring’s Canon creation.
The history of Russian bells decoration (ornaments, images, scriptures and so on).
Methods to define bells’ age.
Orthodox ring’s role in the Russian spirituality’s development.
The orthodox ring and the supreme power.
The orthodox ring in the Russian poetry of the XIX-XX centuries.
Bells’ and beaters’ affect on the environment (including human).
Harmony's theory in the Divine service and the orthodox ring.
Subject heading list in bell-science (campanology).
The ring in the church service: Symbolic and functional peculiarities.
113035, Moscow, Raushskaya embankment, house 26/1,
the temple in honour of Saint Nikolay in Zayaitskoe (in the bell-tower).
It works on weekdays from 10 till 19.