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Courses for bell-ringers
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Moscow Bell Centre has been acting since 1995 by His Holiness, Holy Patriarchy of Moscow and all Russia Aleksey’s II blessing, with the aim of preparing highly qualified bell ringers for Russian Orthodox Church. All wishing to study, primarily those recommended by temples and monasteries, are accepted. The period of studies is 3 months. The program consists of theoretical courses, as well as practical studies of church toll. An official certificate is given after finishing studies.

Preparatory courses for bell-ringers

Moscow Bell Center has been acting since 1995 by His Holiness, Holy Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Aleksey’s II blessing, with the aim of preparing highly qualified bell ringers for Russian Orthodox Church. Its main problem is to prepare qualified bell-ringers for Russian Orthodox Church.

The peculiarities of courses for bell-ringers are:
1. Practical courses are held in a specially equipped room on the true-life bell lofts. Listeners also visit the bell-towers of the famous Moscow and Rostov the Great temples and monasteries.
2. The courses are held both on bells and beaters, which are again used in orthodox ring, renewing the ancient traditions of our Church.
3. The program consists of theoretical courses, as well as practical studies of church toll.

The courses consist of two parts: main (basic) course and the course of advanced bell-ringer’s training. The duration of every course in 3 months. The intake for courses is held in September and January. In summer an additional course is held according to the situation: 3-months-course or 1,5-months intensive course (in a full program’s size).

Courses' price is 6000 roubles for a course (3 months).

The basic course contains:
1. The basis of orthodox ding;
2. The history of bells’ history;
3. Musical acoustics;
4. Bells’ and beaters' production;
5. Purchasing of bell lofts consisting of bells and beaters and their selection;
6. Bell lofts’ equipping;
7. Security measures concerned while working at a bell loft.

The practical preparation is led by the best Moscow bell-ringers for the groups of 5-7 people. All desirous (both men and women) are taken, first of all those who have been recommended by temples and monasteries. The age of listeners is from 12 to 65 years. An official certificate is given after finishing studies.

Theoretical studies (2 hours per week) are held in the morning and in the evening (the same lecture) for listeners' convenience. Practical studies (3 hours per week) are held on different days according to the group chosen by the listener himself. Besides the listeners have an opportunity to work on Bells’ Centre bell lofts individually at the time convenient for them.

The Bell Centre has prepared over 700 bell-ringers till now.

The Bell Centre’s listeners can use a special library, which contains 400 works on orthodox ding, and a rich collection of audio and video records (with an opportunity of rewriting with the help of the Centre’s equipment).

   common questions: info@bilo.ru
   director: bells-centre@yandex.ru
   the museum: museum@bilo.ru
   work: (495) 957-27-10,
   tel/fax: (495) 438-29-53,
   mobile: (903) 768-45-65
   113035, Moscow, Raushskaya embankment, house 26/1,
   the temple in honour of Saint Nikolay in Zayaitskoe (in the bell-tower).
   It works on weekdays from 10 till 19.